
O.O homg, I think there might be a bit of racism in Umbra. When did that happen? O.o Ok, maybe scratch that asking to come with him thing.

Umbra blinked at the other wolf -- now in a size or shape that made Umbra more comfortable -- but didn't have to be prompted twice before stepping in and starting to tear the deer's belly open. If the other offered him the first cut, it would be rude to refuse, right? Not to mention Umbra was the real wolf of the two of them. Not that he had anything against those Luperci creatures; they just weren't real wolves. Or coyotes. His mother had never mentioned anything other than Luperci wolves, but coyotes were close enough, he figured.

Moving aside a little as he ate, he made room for Tawny to join in as well. After all, he didn't want the creature to think Umbra didn't like him. And for a while, nothing much was spoken.

When he'd eaten his fill, he stepped back and sat down, yawning a little. It was the first time in a long while that he'd been this full, and it was making him a little sleepy. But no, he couldn't relax too much. Not while he was in strange lands -- which he'd always be until he found himself a home -- and while he was alone or with strangers.

"Thank you," he said gravely, having been taught that, no matter what you believed, it was important to be polite. "Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to pull this off."

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