Of Mice and Men (or wolves and rats)
OOC- Okay I'll do that. You can finish up here Big Grin

J'adore spent the next hour or so teaching her the basics, 'Are you hungry?', 'How are you?', 'Are you cold?', 'What do you want?' as well as a few responses, so that she may find out about Moon. She would learn more alone as J'adore had instructed Moon to help her along and teach her new words. After a while of silence J'adore stood up, 'I better be going... I have to ride tomorrow'. He streched and shook the flakes from his mane. He hoped she would not mind him leaving, 'Will you be okay' he asked. Of course she would! She's practically manufactured for the cold! J'adore was adaptable but he was Spanish and the answer was evident. He said goodbye and made his way home. Shifting to his faster, stronger Secui form and racing off, the flakes almost blinded him, but he ran these routes so often he could run them with his eyes closed. He did that often with Fuerte, the stallion didn't spook for anything and he knew the route as well as his two-legged companion. He reached home in record time, settling down with a book and a mug of hot water.

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