Let it creep in.
ooc-brain dead, all hail coffee..

ic-The words stung, but not as harsh as what they reminded her of, who they reminded her of. She wrinkled her nose at the thought and chuckled. You sound like Laruku.. How often had Iskata and Laruku sat down in some random spot and argued and debated back and forth the past, the future, the worth of one life, of their lives... and yet in the end it hadn't changed anything. She smiled an actual smile and looked at the girl before her.

So much like her own mother in looks, she probably wouldn't know how much in personality, but she was reminded of her, she wondered if any of the other family members saw the same. Shaking her head she looked off in the distance before speaking up. They care, they may not admit it, but they care, we all do. It's not the fact that we're all related, it's the need to belong, to be whole, to be loved..in all it's strange ways. Give it time, it will all make sense someday.. She'd almost said you'd understand when you have children of your own, buty she'd caught herself. It wasn't just having children, just having someone who cares for you and you care for was enough. You know, even with all the Sadira's running around, we still seem to adopt more into the family.. by blood or not, once you let them in you'd understand.

She almost hated herself for it, here she was broken inside and yet she was still offering the only thing she knew, love. She didn't believe that she could open herself up to another again, but she had belong before and the feeling of belonging was so overwhelming, so secure... she didn't want to return thatway again for fear of the pain she suffered now, but it was the only path she'd know before now. Her eyes seemed troubled as she looked back to the younger Sadira, but she didn't speak again.

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