The Lay of the Land

Sorry for the wait. SSWM: 408

Sepirah was getting a little tired of waiting for one of the pack members to come by. She wanted to see if any of them knew of her aunt and maybe could see if she could see here again. She did not dare to try and trespass into the borders. She did not wish to upset Eris by disrespecting her new pack’s rules and land. She just sat along the borders and waited to see if someone was even going to bother to show up. She let out a yawn and then stretched out her limbs before padding around in the snow. The dark princess could feel the chill on her feet and wanted to warm herself back up. She knew it would take a while before that happened, but it was not like she was doing anything anyways. Time just seemed to keep passing by as she now sat with her rear end in the snow. She could once again feel the cold, but she didn’t really care so long as she could have the chance of hearing about her aunt and how she was adjusting to her new home. The jackal smiled and wagged her tail as she could feel the excitement growing in her chest.

Sepirah moved her ears up as she heard the sound of the leaves cracking from off to the side. Was someone coming to greet her and let her into the pack lands so that she could search out for Eris? She raised her nose into the air and tried to sniff out whoever was coming. She couldn’t smell the scent of the pack, rather the scent of something else. Was there someone else nearby who was trying to get into the pack lands? She raised herself off the ground and began to look around for whoever had made the noise. So far she did not see anything, but she was heading in the direction of the loner. She could smell the scent becoming stronger and soon found the wolf in the defensive position. Now why was this wolf acting in such a way? The dark princess shook her head as she moved over to the white wolf’s side. ”What are you doing? What on earth are you so afraid of?” She looked over to the pack lands and then back to the wolf. ”Are you a member of this pack? You sure don’t smell like one.”


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