M - Misery Loves Its Company
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... gtable.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: I don't ever expect anyone to match me and my ridiculous starters, so don't even worry about it. Wink

Cotl was in Lala Land as he stood there on top of his steed, fixing the skull on the pike to where it was perfect. He fixed the ties on it so it would stay on the pike better and so the wind wouldn't blow them off. Maschine shifted his weight on his legs, which caused Cotl to flinch for a second, but catch his balance and still stand on top of the horse's strong back. Cotl heard Maschine nicker back at his master in warning, but Cotl paid no attention to the steed, for he was looking at the skull and wondering who's it was. It wasn't Haku's, but it was definitely wolf. Cotl traced the skull with his black claw, smiling before he had looked to the skull on his shoulder, he traced the skull there with his claw before he clicked his claws against both skulls, a hollow click coming from both of them, one a higher pitch than the other. Cotl let a devious chuckle from his maw as he stood there. Maschine would warn him a second time, and this time, he didn't get much of a chance to respond before another being would be in the presence of the trio. There was something about him being a stranger, and the other asked who it was, and what he had here on him. What the fuck did it look like? The Imaginifer looked over to the source of the voice, bi-colored eyes landing on the coyote. There was age there, and on the face of the other male. The Imaginifer was much younger than the old as dirt male that stood there in front of him. Cotl didn't bother to answer right away, only leaving a coked up smile on his face that normally held a frown. The other then commented about how the skull on his shoulder was too small to be wolf. Put the puzzle pieces together, I dare you.

It seemed that it didn't take long to put one and two together to make out that the Imaginifer was wearing his nephew's pelt like it was his own because the other male had progressively got a hostile look over his features. Cotl smiled a devious smile, Bi-colored eyes narrowed on the coyote. Cotl Van Ulrich, Imaginifer of Inferni. -NYEHBUTTFUCKMUNCHER- Die skull ist too smalls to bes volf. Ist coydog. Cotl spoke, grin still wide on his maw, nothing innocent about it. There never was, and never will be innocence behind that smile. Cotl knew nothing about being innocent. Absolutely guilty of everything he was accused for in a court of law. He didn't give two shits about how "wrong" or "disgusting" he was for keeping Zak's head and pelt. He did it for his benefit and Zak would have probably done the same to Sascha, or Marik, or even Cotl. Zak would probably try to do dirty things with the dead body if he had the chance to he was sure. Cotl simply was doing what he wanted to do. Nobody was going to stop him, espeically not this old man, whoever he was. Vho die hells are you? The Imaginifer asked, even he showed his teeth this time, in the same way that the old man had shown his nasty, yellowed teeth at the Imaginifer. This only lasted a few seconds before his maw curled into a devious smile. Vhy you dhink das he's nicht at the border? He doesn't deserve to be abandoned out heres to only be seens sometimes. He wanted to sees die vorld. the man spoke, clearing his throat at the male before he had finally taken a seat on top of his steed.

Zak was too schön to just let the-BITCHTITS- vorms eat hims. His fur ist varm toos. Cotl spoke evil grin plastered there on his face. Don't judges mich. he spoke, wrinkling his nose at the other man, smile turned to quick snarl and snarl back to twisted smile. God was he fucked up right now.

mall fonts; text-align:right;"> SSWM Word Count: 672


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