OOC- Bad start to 2011 for CDA XD First Sky's lot, then Vee's.... XD

J'adore stepped in, 'I am' he admitted to Sky. He grimaced after remembering what had happened a few days ago. 'Sorry about...' he trailed off he was just too sad to finish. Even though he was a close friend or even a fellow pack member, he was courting Valinta and since she had told him with teary eyes, he'd found himself tearing up over the subject. He hoped it didn't happen to Valinta and himself, 'Val, told me...'. At least she smiled at his nervous entrance. J'adore wore his usual scarf and his black cargo shorts; he'd left his top at home, but still wore his black-brown army jacket. J'adore spoke again as he sat on the couch, 'You sure you’re up for this?' not meaning she wasn't competent to do it in her state. He was just sure she'd want time to herself. Or maybe she wanted to keep herself busy, either way J'adore was happy to obliged his almost pack member. 'How’s Shawchert?' he asked changing the subject to the alpha. He eyed up the instruments on the end table with a lick of fear in his milky white eyes. ’Ptitsa, sends her regards’ he added, speaking of his newly gain Spirit Guide. The Peregrine decided not to follow J’adore today; she had disappeared over breakfast with a simple goodbye. He had no doubt she’d be back by time he returned.

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