At the Jugular

Oh, no worries! I just got some spare time. While not RP? 8DD And thankies! Once we're done here, I'll start it up, k?

Her lips curled up slitghly, but he could sense-- no, smell her startle and fear. It was just a reflex to the unknown, he understood, and didn't take it as an offense. It was just like when he drew off his blade.. Pure instinct.

He supported his shoulder on the oak tree besides him, where he was previously hiding, and simply watched as she retrieved her fangs and spoke, her voice wavering and as afraid as he faint area. She seemed afraid... of him.

It hurt him inside. It wasn't his intension. He had to be scary to his enemies and such, not with poor beings such as her. He sighed with a sad ache, and listened to her with full attention.

Home. Yes, he had come to Anathema looking for the same thing. And he had found it. After so long, he found his true home. The grayish male couldn't help but to see himself in the lupus female. He crouched on the snowy ground, one arm supported on one knee and the other in a fist, lying beside the crouching knee. It was a crouching position he got so used of it beame a habit, though it looked so serious and respectful. He did so only to be on her level, and seem less threatening to her.

"If it's a home you seek, I believe you have found the right place for it." He spoke, his voice now soft like his eyes. After a pause, his thick accent resounded on the woods again. "I'm Liev. Liev Ivanovich Morozov. Might I know your name?" He asked, with a politeness of a true gentleman. A tiny, almost invisible smile tricked on the corner of his lips.

Her next words, however, took him by surprise. "Something is coming"? She must be meaning the storm. Or something worse. He wasn't sure if it was right to ask her further about it, but she tuly seemed scared. Also, not dying "literally"? What was that supposed to mean?! He looked intensely at his feet, thinking for a while on how to proceed, then turned again to the weak woman, his eyes again warm and calming, as if nothing had happened. "What did you mean by that? Dying 'literally', that is." He asked, his voice now grave and serious, truly curious about that part of her speech. Then, the male added. "Does that mean you have.. already died?" He asked, turning wary of the female. He had heard of ghosts and such creatures, usually returning because of unfinished business, and once his men, back at his old pack, Czarova, told him they had met a weird looking wolf, that kept saying it wa looking for "home", and such. The Russian wasn't sure if Naniko would of welcome ghosts or even ghouls in her pack.

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