Cheval Trois
OOC- This is a short post, cause my mused has fizzled.

'I could, but I'd like to teach' J'adore said smiling. As she smiled about him letting her say 'grey' and 'cream', 'You aced mine though'. The pair rode for an hour, till it got dark. J'adore got down and set Ayasha down on the ground, the lead the horses into their stalls and closed up. 'Where do you live now?' he said looking up at the darkening sky. He had best get her home, to wherever she lived. 'I assume you can here alone...' he had not see any adults around with her, so she must be orphaned... he gave a sad smiled and leant against the stable door. Ayasha was very cute. J'adore grinned at her 'So what do you think of our pack?' he asked the young pup at his feet. J'adore liked pups.

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