At the Jugular

[OOC] Such a good point! Okie doke artichoke.

[IC] After a moment of shared, quiet contemplation that wrapped an intangible web around them, glue-like and curious to the girl, she noticed a change in his air. When he crouched he didn't lose dominance, in fact he gained such a rich respect from her then and there that her heart inflated. Though her eyes were small and dark they overflowed from the deep wells hidden beneath, just as the sun glinted a sliver of light in her face like an encouraging smile from the horizon. The new light caught its beaming reflection in her moistened eyes, and she blinked with slight unease. Still, she faced a stranger who could take her tears of joy and dye them red. It wasn't impossible. She knew of creatures hiding the cruelest insides imaginable with the kindest outer-demeanor. Creeps, they were.

His newly gentle tenure massaged Flint's largest knots of fear, but couldn't touch on the deeper levels. Not now. She reached her muzzle to his relaxed hand and tentatively sniffed it from a safe distance. No underlying canine blood or traces of victims' fear-scent resided there. "I'm Liev. Liev Ivanovich Morozov. Might I know your name?" She was not adapted to polite greetings thus she copied his template, "I'm Flint. Flint Lithos Minera." Aside from his dizzying name, which she hoped she never had to pronounce fully, the man was turning out all right...

As they treaded into deeper waters she reclined away from him again and watched worry seep in through the tiniest slivers in Liev's demeanor. Flint had heavily relied on keen observations of her former, volatile packmates to ensure her survival. Thus certain subtle emotions manifested plain as day to her whereas idle creatures might completely miss them. She sighed even though he was giving her all the comfort he could conjure from his mystified state. "My family's tradition is to pit yearling siblings against one another as a trial in the initiation into adulthood. I refused for ...some reasons, so my family exiled me. I am no longer a child and will never be a woman. I must be dead." She only revealed bare bones so as not to disturb him with the rotting viscera of her predicament. Even though she was ritualistically dead many outsiders would take that just as seriously as the real thing, if not more so. She told herself, no one wants to bare the burden of a forlorn spirit.

wc: 405

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