Half a life

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; Yes, he will just have to refill his in the spring and then prolly have to show Addi what to use to put in hers as well to keep her safe too; 764 words

The male actually didn't see much of the other members of this pack. They all stayed in town while he remained in the forest. Not that he really tried to socialize with them much anyways. That had ceased at the first meeting. Even though he had joined in on the celebration he remained sitting around the sides. He didn't really attempt to take part in the festivities. He had only attended to deliver the gift that he had promised another. And it was there that he had seen the pack had grown with faces he didn't recognize. He didn't attempt to socialize there either. Though he couldn't help flirting with the other craftsman seeing as his remark had left himself open to it. But it wasn't really an issue that he pressed though.

He chuckled at the female's words. Glad it was him? That was something he wouldn't have expected after how their first meeting had started out. Honestly he didn't really expect her to come and find him. He wasn't normally of the pessimistic sort but he was noticing how different this world was from the one that he grew up in. How some said things that would appease for the moment and would never follow through. How these canines expected to be rewarded for their efforts. It was a concept that Ouija didn't have. It felt wrong to ask for something in return for what he did. He made things for practical use so why should he force someone to have to give him something for that? He had always freely shared his talents. And should he have needed something while in the cult then it was simply given to him. That didn't happen here. Everyone seemed more concern for themselves than for the group as a whole. And slowly Ouija had been separating himself from that and not making attempts to get to know those in his pack or form bonds. He couldn't say that he cared for these that he shared land with. Granted, if he was approached to help then he would most likely give his services simply because that was just who he was.

"I promised you that I would. I am true to my word. And it is just a few herbs. I can replace it as soon as they grow again. If you wish I can also show you what you will want to add to yours to make it potent." After all he didn't want anything happening to her. What could you say? He was a sucker for a pretty face. Or anyone with more than one color. Even other things that made them unique from himself. He had fallen prey to the beauty of scarring as well. Each scar often told a story of survival and valor, what was more endearing than that? Than to have survived some traumatic event to tell about it?

He frowned as she showed him her hand, the care and concern clear on his face. "It seems you got your gris gris right in time. Why not try it on while I take care of the bad tree." He looked up from her hand to her face before moving closer to the tree. "You are a bad tree! You aren't allowed to go around biting all of the pretty young ladies!" He gave the tree a firms scolding before spanking it. It was a moment of silliness before he turned serious again. "Let me help? I'm not a medic but I can at least get the pieces out." He asked as he reached for her injured hand, holding out his own towards her. It showed that he had quickly learned to not touch her without her expressed permission and so he continued to hold himself back. He didn't want her to go from being glad to see him back to not wanting to be near him again. So he would take it slow even though all he really wanted to do was grab her hand and pull out all of the little pieces of would that were sticking out just so that it could be properly cleaned. He might not know the plants to add to it to aide in healing but he at least knew that all foreign objects had to be removed and it had to be thoroughly cleaned. He had done this for his own wounds. The healing process was slow because he didn't have the knowledge of the plants to add to his wounds but he had kept them clean and thus free of infection.


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