fading colors [M]

OOC here: Table & Coding © Fae; 1515 words

Ouija enjoyed company, just the simple comfort of a warm body pressed against his own. There didn't need to be anything going on. It was just the feeling of someone else nearby and the knowledge that he wasn't alone was what was enjoyed. Of course should something else be going on he wouldn't mind that either. Just as long as whoever he was with was pleased then that is all that really mattered. Just to make another happy was a grand reward in and of itself. Just the knowledge that you were the one with the power to do such a thing was invigorating. What better gift was there than to hear your own name fall from the lips of whoever you were with as they writhed about in the pleasure that you had orchestrated? The male certainly couldn't think of anything greater than that.

She wasn't the only one to find him interesting. He had charmed many hearts in his lifetime. It was just who he was. Sure, his words were sweet and kind but they were honest as well. He wasn't the sort to lie and say whatever he had to in order to win over someone. Granted though he easily found beauty in others. Just like he was proud of his own body. He might not like being a singular color naturally it wasn't enough that he would think himself grotesque. If nothing else than he had the knowledge that the large and strong structure of his body provided comfort to others with the feeling of safety when around him. Sure, his size made him intimidating at times but his nature is what charmed them and had them feeling safe and protected in his presence. So yes, he was proud of his physique even if he wasn't thrilled about being plain when he didn't dye himself.

"I've picked up some jars and knives when I went there before. Haven't been there since though. So I haven't had the chance to look for those supplies. Suppose I will have to make another trip sometime though. And you are right, that is quite a long way to go all alone. It certainly would be a pleasure to have company next time to make the trip there and back more entertaining." He picked up on the subtly of the hint and left it open for her to decide on a date for them to "accidentally" run into each other. Or if she wanted to straight out and ask, either way. After all Ouija wouldn't force the subject and make her go with him. For all he knew she could always meet someone else between now and then that she might feel a connection with and want to go with instead. After all he couldn't blame her if that happened. No one could help what the heart did. You can't plan to have a deep connection with someone. It just happened. And well, Ouija had enough love and care to share with everyone.

He frowned a bit at her teasing words. If he were one that lacked self confidence then he might have been deflated by it. But that simply wasn't him. Instead he picked up on it and added to it. "Only maybe? What is it that you would change then?" Clearly he wasn't afraid of change with the way that he splashed color over himself in any odd pattern. He was always changing the colors and the placement of said colors upon his coat. So yes, he was willing to sit and listen to what this female didn't like and take it into consideration for next time. See if it was something that he could even work on. See if it was something that he would even be able to change or not.

He smiled as she leaned into his touch. It just made her even more cute and endearing. It seemed that she was an addict to the simplest of affections as well. That didn't make him feel so bad then. And since she didn't try to stop or divert his attention he didn't feel so apprehensive about freely touching. After all he was used to not having much personal space at all. He was used to affectionate gestures. So he was used to the hands on technique and this female didn't seem to mind it much either. Vaguely he wondered if she had grown up in a place similar to his own.

Perhaps it could be considered slavery but he was submitting himself easily. He allowed for himself to be used. After all he was around to pleasure others. Of course the way he knew how to do so best was through the release of endorphins. Endorphins always made for happy canines. So knowing just how to release those endorphins could be considered a talent in and of itself. After all there were some that could use a few lessons on just how to do that. But who would ever think of that being a marketable skill? Or at least one that was rank worthy? Who really felt comfortable sitting around and being taught just how to pleasure another? Sure, he could do it if any were interested but he didn't know any that would be. Any that would just sit quietly and watch and listen. Of course that meant needing a volunteer to demonstrate on as well.

He smiled again and gently squeezed her thigh as she leaned into him. He was enjoying the comradeship of the moment. The ease in which they were interacting. It felt almost like being back home in the cult again. Things were just progressing on their own without having to be forced or anything. And of course he was allowing for her to choose how far things went. Letting her choose when she had enough and wanted to end it. After all he gave out the invitation, allowing her to know that whatever she wanted she would get. It was just up to her to make it known.

He frowned a bit and shrugged at her question. "I don't really know. My sister was always the one to have found them. Back in the cult where I used to live she would always have them and I went to her when I wanted some. She had a bunch of other things as well. Pretty much whatever you could want she was able to supply it." He smiled fondly as he thought of his sister. "Suppose I will have to go out looking for some myself now." Not that he even knew where to begin looking for them. He really should have asked Demi where she had found them out so he knew in what sorts of places to look. But silly him had always expected that his sister would always be around. He never imagined that something would happen to the cult and that they would be separated.

He emptied his lungs into her mouth, sharing the hit with her. He hadn't expected it to be turned into a kiss though. Still he gave into it and returned it, her parted lips to accept the smoke giving him the perfect opportunity to dart his tongue inside of her mouth to lick at her tongue and the roof of her mouth. He pulled away slowly, letting the female have her space again. He chuckled and mimicked her gesture, having taken the time to lick his own lips as well. There was still the lingering taste and feeling of her tongue having been against his own. It was enough to make his heart pound but he kept himself in check. This was her game and he was but her pawn to toy with as she saw fit. Of course Demi had always been the best at that.

His arm immediately reached out to wrap around the other canine as she laid down next to him. He made to hold her close to his own large body. Though with a hint of a grin he gave another tug, the tug having been an attempt to pull her body on top of his own. The silent question was in his eyes, asking her just what she wanted to do. If she wanted to break apart and just go to Halifax now then that was fine. He would even sit silently by if she wanted to finish her sketch first. Or even model for her as had been proposed. Or, if he was reading the situation and their bodies right, he would allow for intimate knowledge to be gained. All he needed was the slightest hint of instruction for him to jump into action. He would do whatever she wanted to do. However she wanted to do it. Even the number of times didn't matter either. Right now he had all the time in the world. He had nothing that he had to get back to right off. He had completed his work for now so his time entirely belonged to this female whose name he still hadn't acquired yet.

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