Only Days Ago
Out of Character

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In Character

Sp, it seemed that this woman was looking for her little brother? It was unfortunate that Tala could not help her on the subject. She had not seen a boy that matched her description at all, let alone today. The Djose woman frowned as she watched the white woman in front of her. "I'm sorry, I have not seen him. I haven't seen anyone like him near Phoenix Valley either. No male scents have showed u around the area of my pack either. I know that does not help, but it does void out the south of here as to my knowledge." She dipped her head in apology, knowing she did not say what Amata was wanting to hear.

Depending on the age, Tala knew that a pup on the older side might be able to last long enough to stumble onto another pack and find shelter as well as food. If he had been gone for some time, he would surely have found someone to help him, yes? Hopefully, the fear of the worst was not something the girl and her family would have to be faced with. "I'm very sorry, but if I can help you in any way. I will to the best of my ability. His name is Denali, yes? I will keep my ears perked for that name if it's brought up." It might not be much, but it's certainly better than nothing.

Growing up without siblings, Tala had never had to face this sort of problem, with people running off. Normally it was people chasing her if she had been out to long as a pup. She did not envy Amata for this, losing family was not something she wished upon other people.Tala knew that pain, and she knew it well for many years.

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