The Fire's in Their Eyes
J'adore nodded. 'I probably should have, sorry' he sighed. He was avoiding the reasons. J'adore relaxed, 'I'm going nowhere near Inferni' he added with a smile, already knowing the threat. And knowing who she was talking about. He sighed and returned to his stump, 'Family reasons...' he said sorrowfully. His hand reached up to his pendant, turning it round to see the pair of initials etched into the back. He fiddled with it idly. He let it drop to his chest, with a sigh, 'Big family issues, life changing ones...' hopefully she would get it so he didn't have to say it, he didn't want to. He said he was ready to Valinta, but that was to comfort her. He had no idea what to do. 'I'm surprised we haven't met before' he smiled, hoping she would drop the subject. Though he had the feeling she was the eagle eyed type. J’adore sighed as he waited for a reply, he was nervous for no reason, she didn’t mean any harm, and he knew that. But since Valinta had no biological relations, this was her family and it was unnerving him no end. Ptitsa stretched her wings above her and took off.

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