A Needed Distraction
Feel free to copy the board and show me what your move is, so that you don't have to describe the moves in so much detail. Quote'll get you the code.

Nian listened to Nayati's description of the tasks and skills undertaken by a scout, and he thought back on the things he had been doing so far. He had already done some of the things Nayati suggested, but he could certainly use more experience. At the Master Hunter's offer to help him, Nian's ears pricked up excitedly, his attention caught more fully. "I would love to hunt with you sometime. It would be very helpful! The snow here is much deeper than what I'm used to, and, uh... Well, I've never hunted with a bow before, but I'd be really interested in learning that too." Aware that he was babbling a little, Nian bit his tongue and turned his attention back to the game board.

"Normally the wolf would be at a disadvantage, but since I'm using two wolves here instead of one it should be a lot easier." He thought for a moment, then said, "It'll probably be easier if you start with the wolves, because that will probably be more intuitive for you. That way, you only have to think about capturing wapiti and not about the other goals. I'll move first." Taking up third light colored piece from the left, he moved it vertically up a space, then smiled at Nayati. "Okay, your turn."

Pretty table made by Gwendolyn! Edited slightly by me.


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