The Fire's in Their Eyes
J'adore smiled again at her kindness 'She's only sixteen months... a month over maturity. I fell like I've taken her freedom away. At her age I was still acting like a pup...' He was sick of being sorry for himself. He shrugged. 'I don't know what's gonna happen though, I may move, or she might. She waas pretty confused, though it's to be expected. So I'm giving her time to decided what to do. I don't think she'll get rid of it though, I wouldn't'. J'adore frowned, no she would never give them up. He looked around sheepishly, 'How 'bout we find somewhere.... warmer to talk? I need to sit in the warm, been to acustomed to the Spanish weather...' he giggled. Looking above he still didn't see Ptitsa, she'd more of less gone to catch Jadore's dinner. She was good like that, bringing a rabbit or two from him. It made his day easier, not having to worry about catching tea. Her stoop would kill an animal instantly. Her wings beating at speeds which took her up to 220mph would make unstoppable

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