
Niro's voice made him feel embarrassed; not only had he tripped once again, someone had seen. And it had been one of his heroes, one of the influential men in his lives. His cheeks grew warm, though there wasn't a noticable difference beneath his rusty fur.

"You alright there Kam?" Was he? With a heavy sigh, he gave a nod. He was fine. His pride was simply wounded. "I guess 'm okay." A brisk shake ridded him from clumps of snow that had stuck to him while he sprawled out on the ground and he focused his brown eyes to his older friend. His older friend who could stand on two legs. An internal pang of jealousy passed over him; he wanted to be able to stand on two legs.

The huntsman commented on his growth and a swell of pride pushed all other feelings out of him. Had he grown? Well, if Niro noticed, surely it was true. A faint smile passed the boy's mouth as he watched the male. "Did I? A lot?" There was hope in his voice. Hope that some day, he'd be able to take a role like Niro had, or like the Knight that he aspired to be.

Marahute wasn't there, he finally noticed, and he wondered silently where she was off to. Hunting? Just flying around? He scanned the skies briefly, searching for a glimpse of the feathered creature; she wasn't there. "I guess I'm not doin' nothin'. What are you doin'?" He squinted in the sunlight as he turned his face back to Niro, head tilted curiously.


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