Gardenin' Dirty
He finished with the peels and sat, he reached for his bag, producing a sketchbook and pencil. He made a crude stick body and the made a rough sketch of it's clothes and finally, added a list of what he would need, 'I'll work on that when I get home. I'll need to get windchime pipes, scares the birds, you see'. Humans were intresting things he''d found a car in Barcelona, an Audi Quattro if he remembered rightly. Birght red and surprisingly little rust. It was busted though, it didn't work no matter what he did to it. J'adore smiled, 'They ran on electricy, I'm pretty sure that's gone extinct now...' It was a shame, it was an amazing, if mythical substance. His mind flicked to pack matters and he suddenly asked, 'Have you spoken to Shawchert yet? About me hanging around. I don't mean to intrude but... you know'. He hadn't spoken yet with the alpha of 'the paint pack' as J'adore nicknamed it. But he was a huge thing and J'adore didn't feel like getting into a confrontation. He didn't want his children to grown up fatherless.

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