At the Jugular

[OOC] Sounds good and no problem. Yayayay Flint's official!!

[IC] The blood transfusion did not frighten the girl. It made her feel stronger, gravitated. Afterwards she peered curiously at the tiny wound upon which their life fluids mingled. Naniko was a part of her. Liev was a part of her. The rest of the pack (whom she was dying to meet yet scared to death to do so) was a part of her. Flint looked up from her paw and grinned at both of the men who were, easily and oddly, now family members. “I’m whole. I’m whole!”

She listened to Naniko as if her life hung by a thread from his every word. Furious nods and ‘mhms’ of utter agreement interlaced with his speech. “Anathema won’t be let down, nooo sir.” Anathema had resurrected her spirit. She owed it every grain of her being.

She waved her hand and tail as Naniko departed the scene, then jaunted to Liev‘s beckoning side. She looked up to his finely painted purple eyes to show him her silent gratitude and excitement. Soon, they would be alone- together. She tingled with a mix of dread and delight, and the best part was she felt totally safe doing something she would have never agreed to in the past. With instincts giving her the go-ahead to do this she walked in the direction of his pointing hand… Indeed, Live had opened doors for Flint.

wc: 229

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