Wintery riding
SSWM: 556

Nayru smiled as Niro spoke of trading. As much as Nayru concerned herself with pack to pack relations, meeting leaders and scouting their lands, making sure that the other packs looked upon Dahlia de Mai favorably, she had never considered trading with any of the other packs. Had never thought Dahlia de Mai had anything worth trading. The fairy girl had always felt that a pack’s worth came from the members, and it was only when Shawchert had mentioned offering his own pack’s services to others that Nayru had considered the idea at all. Even then Dahlia de Mai hadn’t been part of the equation; they had no specialty such as performing music or art. Others wanted wine though? What did the other packs have that Dahlia de Mai wanted or needed? They were happy and healthy as they were, but to have the option was always a good thing. Just in case. It was something Nayru would think of more, perhaps in the spring become serious about cultivating the vineyards.

Niro spoke then, and it seemed Cour des Miracles wasn’t too far behind Dahlia de Mai. The girl smiled and dipped her head. "Two years is just as grand as three, when you think of all the packs that falter before even one year." One year. She was barely one year, and to consider all she had been through already. Two or three years was so much more than that, and to think! Perhaps one day Dahlia de Mai would creep up on it’s fifth, sixth, or even seventh birthday. How long could one pack stay together when so many members came and went? Inferni, she knew, had the deepest roots, but just how long the clan had persisted she didn’t know. Nayru couldn’t help but admire the clan for that.

The male spoke again and Nayru was more interested with this fact than any other. A clan of outcasts? What made one an outcast? Those who are lost? Well, most of Dahlia de Mai had been lost at one point. At least, many of the younger members. Nayru did not know if it was a reoccurring trend in the pack, to take in other’s children and give them a home, but from the way Conor spoke of the pack when he was a child she supposed it was. "We are not outcasts, but many of us are orphans. Dahlia de Mai has given us the home that our parents could not." She smiled happily then, the absence of her family had never been a sore subject and more than ever Nayru was glad to have her family and friends in Dahlia de Mai rather than anywhere else.

Nayru was silent for a moment, thinking of her next fact. How much of Dahlia de Mai could she share with this man? So far they hadn’t said anything too personal about the packs, but if they game kept persisting than they would need to get creative with what they shared. "Dahlia de Mai gets its name from the dahlia flowers that the original leaders found growing here. Which is odd. Normally the flowers can’t grow in so cold a climate, I recently read that in my book. I suppose then the name is very fitting. The flowers found an unlikely home, just as the pack did."

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