Gardenin' Dirty
J'adore lowered his eyes, 'Not to put myself on anybodys bad side, but wouldn't he hear someone out first?' He was still angsty about Shawchert, J'adore himself would do the above if he was alpha, but then again he was a very relaxed person. But honestly chasing someone out of packlands for eating an apple seemed stupid. But of course Sky meant it hypathetically, and the alpha was probably a nice, reasonable person. But even though J'adore was half minded about the alpha he had no prior thoughts about a confrontation, he was more of a speech type person. J'adore nodded, 'I know it's privelage, But as I've said I'm not here to cause problems and I'll go around every pack myself and say 'Cercatori are not pushovers, I had to fight for their trust' if it would help our situation. I could also lie and say your members cause these scars, except for with Anathema, Alaki did this... But then again that would be dishonest and I'd would feel wierd lying... I don't like lying'. No J'adore wasn't a lier he was just trying to make sure his family was safe, hopefully this situation would blossom into a friendship or at least neutrality between the two packs. 'I don't want to fight' he sighed pickingup a handfull of loose dirt and dropping it back down. 'What next?' he asked, eager to help.

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