Gardenin' Dirty

lalala~ want to finish this up soon?

Skye turned back to the dirt and shrugged, finishing pressing the peels and now working on spraying the plants with water. To be honest, she wasn't sure how Shawchert felt about it - he seemed a bit off-color lately, but whether that was due to the weather, the recent drama, or nothing at all, she wasn't sure. It may have something to do with J'adore, but she had to ask him about it, first - and that had to happen soon.

"You don't have to walk around and say anything - just don't start a fight and you won't have one," she said. She knew Shawchert well enough to know that as long as J'adore didn't create any trouble, he wouldn't chase the man out of the pack or start a fight. She wasn't sure J'adore's intentions, however - he kept bringing up fights, as if one were inevitable and they were the only solution. If worst came to worst, she was sure that she'd be able to prevent a fight - but the only way to truly prevent a fight was to be calm and relaxed and not on edge. Besides, she didn't want J'adore to walk around saying that Cercatori d'Arte had scarred an AniWayan that would be a father - that would no doubt cause a war. Her head grew fuzzy, and the worrying in the pit of her stomach increased. "Just don't start a fight," she said again.

She looked down proudly at her plants, then back to J'adore. "That's about it for gardening," she said. "Thanks for helping me." She was glad that the man had helped her, and grateful, too - she would talk to Shawchert soon and mention his helpfulness as well as Valinta's child.

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