What a disappointment I had perfectly


Big round paws dug softly into the snow as the big Anatheman made his way from the outside of the mountains to the warm, moist soil of the caves. It came so naturally to him, walking up and down he territory of his new pack. Liev had no hard time adjusting to the daily life of the pack, enjoying the surroundings to the maximum. His favourite pastime would be to just sit on a big boulder near the main entrance of the caves and watch the sunrise or the sunset. It was probably the best time of the day for him.

Now the sunset was over, and the night had lost the purple and faded into a dark navvy hue. And it was time to return to the caves, and return to his sketches. He was planning on making a map of Anathema for Naniko, in case they ever came to need those. He'd make one for the tunnels as well, but without the help of a cave explorer, it'd be no good.

He was nearing his own room, already smelling the scent of his multiple herbs and liquors, when another scent came to his gray nosetrils. And sounds entered his long sharp ears. It smelt like a female wolf, mixed wityh the scent of fear and defeat. The noises were that of a warthog choking. Or someone crying deep and desperately. The hell?!

He neared the entrance where the sounds and smell were stronger, and knocked softly in a rocky part of the entering hole. No answer. Though it killed him to be that blunt, the Russian male sneaked a peek inside the room, and saw a cowboy hat. Of course, it wasn't the hat crying, but it sure held the same scent of fear and... something else. Another wolf? And from Phoenix Valley. He had met a female, Tala, from the same pack, not long ago. But it surely wasn't her scent. It was a male's.

On the farther corner of the room, sat a brown and white female, crubling into pieces on her crying and sobbing. Bright purple eyes widened stunned with the scene. The woman surely was an Anatheman, but she also carried the scent of the unknown male and of... Oh boy, the smell of sex.

He neared the woman slowly and carefully, not willing to scare her further more. The older wolf knew by experience cornered and scared creatures could turn agrressive by instinct. And he surely wasn't willing to fight a packmate. "Don't worry, ma'am. I'm not gonna do anything." He said, hushing the woman with a soothing, warm voice he tended to use to calm down the pup from his former pack when they started to cry for their parent that went outside the safehouses to do their chores. "I'm Liev. May I ask yours?" He said, placing a hand over his furry chest and beige bandana. He now was croutched on the floor, only one knee on the ground, the other supporting his chest. The empty hand was besides the downed knee, keeping his balance. "I'm one of the new Zepars here. There's nothing to worry about, ma'am." He kept muttering, trying at all costs to soothe the sobbing luperci.

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