
Word Count: 379
Yay. Tho sadly you gotta put up with him in his evil mode xD
Btw, he in optime for here ^^

Pacing up and down along the border. That’s what she was doing. Alaki had been observing the lone female for awhile as she paced the border. From the looks of it she had not noticed him resting up in the branches of one of the trees along the border; few ever did bother to look up. Analyzing the female’s movements he noted that he seemed cautious, unsure even, possibly even scared. What was a little scared coyote mix doing outside of Anathema borders he wondered, from her scent he was sure she was from one of the nearby pack; the name of the pack escaped him though.

Swinging his legs to one side of the branch he turned to get a better look at her. She was in her lupus form, brown in colour and there was nothing unusual about her. Just your average day coy girl. But why was she by the border? The fact she was so close to his home irritated him; he struggled to contain the urge to attack the female for just being near the border. She may have a reason, he told himself. Ask first, attack later. But still, the anger bubbled and boiled within him.

He chucked quietly to himself, reaching down to receive the pocket knife from where it was tied to his ankle. If the little girl was so curious as to what lay beyond the border, why don’t he show her? He repositioned himself quietly on the branch, his feet firmly planted on the branch ready to jump at any moment; as he moved he was careful not to knock his bandaged right arm. Now all he had to do was wait; so he waited for her to pass by him, then jumped from the tree; landing neatly upon two legs, a few paces behind the unknown female.

When he felt solid ground underneath his feet he pushed of, moving into a dash towards the female. A low snarl escaped his lips as he closed in on her. With a smooth practiced movement he brought the small knife up to the female’s throat.

“Who are you and what are you doing by Anathema borders?” he questioned, his voices devoid of emotion. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

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