ashes to ashes
"Pilot made it. I came to be here by following his scent. He is the first Storm wolf I found after the fires, so it seemed fitting that I remain here." Pilot and Phoenix had been very good friends, it fit that he and Iskata would be friends as well. He only regretted that he hadn't found more Storm wolves here.

Iskata's earlier words were confusing to Skoll, though. What exactly did she mean that he'd wait? Peculiar. He knew that the two of them had suffered some rough times. Phoenix had needed to help bring her memories back just for her to be the same person he remembered, and the two of them had lost a child just before Skoll had returned to the territory from his last campaign. Iskata had gone off to seek the child, while Phoenix had been forced to contend with the wiles of Fatin and Gabriel and the strange political union they maintained, despite Inferni's transgressions against the once alphess's own people.

"I don't know where he promised you that he would wait, but he would have burned alive back there. He only got here because I carried him, and only left from where I'd dropped him out of concern for his children. I might be missing something, but it seems like he had no choice. I'm sure he would keep his promise if at all possible." He knew that his opinion on the matter was of little importance, and that she was obviously dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil, so he spoke gently. He really did want to understand what was going on. The two of them were friends of his, Iskata who had understood his justifications the day he'd fought the Infernians to save Naniko, Phoenix who had been a friend to him as he coped with the loss of his friend Graelthrim, and who had helped him survive two skirmishes since. He was glad that both of them made it through, and wished them luck in locating their children.

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