Somehow everything's gonna fall right into place
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Did ^^ slight PP with them walking to the caves. wc: 186

She would have to take care to avoid the pit-fall traps that her sister had been working on. Naniko kept to the route that she knew the best as she walked with Axelle toward the main system of caves that housed the Anathema pack. She tried to keep her pace a little slower so that the injured female could keep up.

She wasn't the type who would normally welcome strangers into her home, but there was something about this wolf that made Naniko feel sorry for her. She had some kind of a look about her. She was quiet during the walk, not wanting to put any unnecessary strain on Axelle or make her concentrate on too many things at once.

They reached them before too much time had passed. The cave system was very complex, with many various tunnels and passageways that led to different places. One would get very turned around in it if they didn't live in it and traverse it often. Naniko knew this well; when she had first come to the caves she had gotten lost plenty of times.

She didn’t know where Demi was and would try and work on Axelle as best she could. ”What hurts the most?” She asked simply. Naniko would keep Axelle to the main common room if she could. She went to grab her supplies and came back with them, ready to help in any way that she could.

Table by Jenny!

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