I want a moment to be real
[html]lol, I did the same thing when I read over it. xD

And sorry this took me forever to reply to!

Kieran shifted from one foot to the other quietly, listening intently as Naniko spoke. He wondered silently if any other packs were forming throughout these lands as well, staking a claim as they had on lands they only recently arrived at. He was still pleased that his fellow ‘Souls residents had made it out of the fire well enough to settle down and protect new lands. Unfortunately for all of them the coyotes of Inferni were doing just as well, warning the scattered masses that they meant business with a howl just a few days before. He hoped they weren’t too close to Shadowed Sun.

“I hope all eight in Twilight Vale are doing well after the fires.” He offered the stranger a faint smile. His eyes darted quickly around the area when she mentioned the territory. “Yeah, these lands over here are quite diverse. Despite the smoke from across the mountains, the area’s wonderful. Things should clear up soon, I suppose.” It was peculiar that he hardly noticed the smell of the smoldering Bleeding Souls anymore.

The dark-furred male studied the visitor as she made known her request to come across the borders. Should he let her across into their lands? She did claim to know both of the leaders. But what if it was all a lie? People lied all the time, Selene and Dusk had taught him that much. Yet, Naniko here didn’t appear to have any ill intentions. What was the worst one wolf could do? --Oh Kieran, you know quite well what one wolf is capable of-- They all had better things to do than cause trouble after the disaster just past Halcyon Mountain… right?

But he wanted to start trusting people again. He glanced behind him, into the pack lands, and he gave in. His inner struggle now over and his decision made, he looked back toward Naniko. “I suppose you could come just inside the borders… but not too deep into the lands. Maybe we could call over Pilot or Tayui, if you’d like to speak with them. You understand, right? Y’know, with the lands just being claimed and all…” he trailed off, hoping he didn’t appear too unreasonable, too mistrusting. But at least this was a start.

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