[M] So Cold

Walk . Talk . Think
OOC. 610wc. Sorry for the length and rambling...I dunno where that came from.

It was better to be on her feet, even if a portion of her spine throbbed as if something was jammed into it. She was less exposed, less endangered; Talitha didn't enjoy vulnerability. Not in others, and certainly not in herself. She pushed back a wave of mahogany locks as she gave her answers. Blunt, simple. To the point. Not divulging any information of her activities apart from her coming and going. After all, what if Cotl was disappointed in her disappearing act? The fear of failure extended far past Gabriel de le Poer. The Lykoi woman lacked the confidence to realize nothing was really wrong.

Cotl's insistence to know where she was distracted the de le Poer. She appreciated it, though she perceived his second score of questions as prying. Her crimson eyes flickered to his arm as he reached back to scratch his neck; they didn't stay there long. With an agonizingly slow speed, the irises passed from his hand to his forearm, from forearm to bicep. Silently she wondered when she last slept with someone, anyone. Had it been Cotl? Half a year? Her fingers drummed against her cream-hued stomach as she mulled the dates over in her mind.

"I just went. Found a place to stay, stayed there for a while. And here I am. Fur 'n blood." It was hardly much better than her last explanation, but the words held more emotion. She was dancing around facts because she didn't want to let them out. She was hiding memories in the back of her mind, and not necessarily from others, but from herself.

Anyways, it would have to come out eventually; why let bad past ruin perfectly pleasant present? There was time, later. There would always be time.

With a subtle touch of her feminine wiles, she guided the conversation into a different direction. "Did you miss me?" The grin that spread across the German's muzzle gave an answer before he spoke, and his own laughter mirrored her trill of amusement at the clearly intoxicated air around the ginger-furred man. He'd been having one hell of a personal party; internally, she was jealous. It'd been some time since she'd let herself go, with anything outside of the booze range.

The accented purr brought a shiver along her spine and she locked her eyes from his body to his face as he cleared his throat once more. She didn't realize the movement that brought him closer to her, or the action that placed his hands on her body. It wasn't until she felt the subtle pressure of a living force against her that she noticed he'd moved at all. In truth, she didn't mind. Maybe it was the lack of alcohol that caused her to pull herself from the touch. All at once, with rapid-fire speed, her mind tore open with past memories, rewinding in her mind. The borders, blood, sex. Cotl, Andrezej.

She grimaced, a subtle twitch of her lips as she moved out of his range. "I think you did, but maybe you didn't notice I was gone," she spoke with a sultry drawl as her feet brought her to the Imaginifer's side. He was shorter than she was, by quite a few inches, but she didn't evalute him on his height. No, he was attractive for other reasons, ones she tucked away in her closet of qualifications. Her mind wheeled back to her mental timeline; was that the first touch she'd had since she left? It brought a frown to her expression, one that was quickly washed away by a new thought.

"You're still living here, hm. Any interesting decorations for your room?"

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