Hold On Tight
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Last post from me :] Nuki, if you don’t want her to push him then that’s fine by me ^^ I just made her try. wc: 724

What, did they think that she was there to hurt them? She wanted answers, but was a rational wolf; she knew that she was in foreign pack territory and that she had trespassed, an act that she herself would never condone under any other circumstances. Her emotions had taken control of her in her rush to follow her son and find him, and now that she had located the boy she was realizing what exactly she had done. She wasn’t here to hurt anyone or scare anyone….she just wanted her boy back and to know that he was safe. Naniko would have to punish him for what he had done on this day, but she wasn’t thinking about that quite yet. She had another situation right at hand.

He seemed happy enough to see her, nuzzling against her and shouting “mama” at her, but she wasn’t about to give him loving attention at this point in time. Especially not in front of others; such things were private to her, and she would have to teach the boy that as well as the other lessons that he would be learning when they got back home to Anathema. Such things wouldn’t be tolerated, running away after some foreign pup and going into other packs without telling her where he was going first. If he told her where he was and didn’t return, then she could go and look for him instead of following a scent trail and hoping that he wasn’t laying dead in a ditch somewhere.

”I didn’t hear you because you had gone so far away from the territory, boy. You could have been dead for all I know.” She said through clenched teeth, making a movement toward the boy, a disciplinary push to try and knock him over. ”You’re learning bad lessons from this pup and this pack; that is not acceptable behavior in Anathema, especially from the son of the alpha. You are to be the example.” He was the one pup that she was doing right by, teaching him the ways of the world and raising him with the discipline that she had been lacking as a child.

She assumed that the “Saul” that Scorpius had mentioned was this larger wolf, the one who was now showing a much different posture than before. She was a trespasser and he was acting accordingly, as she would were she in his situation. It seemed that she had surprised him with her sudden appearance, and now he was ready to defend his lands and the little girl-pup that sat between his paws. ”I came here for my son and I’ve got him; I have no desire to stay in these packlands any longer than I have to” She spat, her own hackles raising in an unconscious response to his active posture. She hadn’t attacked them, she’d only demanded an answer. Well, she’d found her answer.

”You, girl. You stay away from my pack and away from my son. You’ve corrupted him enough already. I better not find you around my borders.” Naniko said to the little girl, looking from her to Saul and then back down to Scorpius. He would have a long walk back home with her before they would reach Anathema, as the packs were pretty far apart. She didn’t know what his punishment for leaving the territory and going into another pack’s lands without telling her first would be, but it would be one that would stick in his mind, hopefully. Perhaps the silent treatment; the boy followed her almost everywhere she went when she was within range of the caves, usually very cheery and talkative, so that would be something that he would not enjoy, she thought.

”We’re leaving.” She needed to get out of there before the male chose to attack her and defend his territory. Naniko had made no move other than to try and push Scorpius, but a large foreign wolf like her could easily be deemed a threat. She didn’t know the lands very well but turned to walk in the direction from which she had come, guessing that to be the correct way to go. ”Come, Scorpius.” She called to him, jade eyes flashing over the forms of the other two wolves as she turned to make her way out of the Dahlia de Mai pack’s lands.

Table by Jenny!

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