Half a life

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; 715 words

Ouija didn't know much about his own pack that he was in. He couldn't tell who all was staying there or anything like that. No, he knew more from other packs than he knew within his own pack. But at least he could say he had connections to about every single pack that was out there. He could practically go to any of them and have someone greet him with open arms. How many of the others in this could say they had such a good repertoire as well? He wasn't sure of that answer himself. He was just glad to have multiple places to go should he ever need to. After all there was only ocean after this landmass. He had been to the other side multiple times now. He couldn't just pack up and cross like he had when getting from New Brunswick to this place. It just wouldn't work that way.

He was glad that she had come to visit as well. Otherwise he would have had to try and find her. Most of the other he had met were in neutral lands so he wasn't certain where the packs were actually located. But at least has a scent and name to place with them as others had told him where they were staying and well, he had that canines scent to go by. So without exact directions he would have probably been left wandering until he finally stumbled onto the place. So it was really good that she had found him. Especially since he had been stressing himself about that personal little adornment that the gris gris was lacking.

He smiled as he watched her put it on. "How does that feel? The cord can be shortened if you need it to be." He asked as he reached out a hand to try and adjust it before thinking better of it and dropping his hand instead. He was doing good, or so he imagined. While he forgot for a moment and reached for her he had stopped himself every single time. He was simply used to being allowed to touch whenever he wanted to within the cult. Those canines knew him and knew he would never hurt someone unless it was asked for, unless it would give whoever he was hurting pleasure. "For it to work you have to keep it on at all times. You can't remove it. So I want to make sure that it is comfortable for you." Well, it wouldn't really hurt her if she took it off but it would no longer offer protection if she wasn't wearing it though.

He grinned a bit when she laughed at what he was doing. It really felt to lighten the mood between them, at least to him. He could be quite silly at times. Though he knew how to be serious and focused when it came to work. After all he spent most of his time working. And other times were spent flirting. So yes, he knew how to have a good time. He just put his work and tasks first. He just couldn't feel settled if anything was left undone. He had been instructed that breaks weren't to be taken until work was all done.

"Exactly! It has to stay in that same spot and not allowed to play until it can learn to be nice. We will just have to tell everyone that it is in time out and no one it allowed to play with it or near it." The words were given with an affirmative nod of his head. He took her hand when it was offered and focused on pulling out what splinters that he could see right off. He removed all of the bigger pieces, having tried to be gentle with the process. After all he didn't want to cause her any harm but he had to remove the foreign objects. "If you are able to stay for a little while you should come to my den. I can wash your hand and I believe I have something to wrap it with there." His words were somewhat distracted since he had been staring at her palm as he spoke, having looked for any other wood pieces that he could see right off.


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