Half a life

ooc talk: Table & Coding © James; 1176 words

Ouija was usually going over something or another in his head and so could easily get himself lost since he didn't exactly pay attention to where he was going when he lost himself in his thoughts. Of course his thoughts ended up surrounding things that needed to be accomplished, about different tasks. There were even the thoughts about things that needed to be collected or set up in order to get something else done. So yes, work was usually always what was on his mind. He just liked to keep his hands and mind busy. He couldn't stand just being idle. At least he couldn't if he wasn't in a drugged state. Seeing as he didn't have easy access to intoxicants then he was usually working on something or another.

"I'm glad. I think the snake skin helps since it stays cooler than fur." Fur just seemed to trap heat. Or it felt that way to him as he had a hide on his lap and he was working near the fire to clean it. He didn't have that much of a problem with the snake skin though. At least not heat wise, though with it being something he had to work extra carefully with it so as not the tear it. He also had to end up layering it so it wasn't too thin to hold anything inside. He wanted it to be durable since he wished it to last a lifetime.

He frowned in thought as to how to answer the question. He wasn't exactly sure how to explain the expression. "Well when pups would act up in the cult they were put in time out. They weren't allowed to get up and play with the others. They had to stay where they were placed and no one was allowed near them to bother them. The only one that could talk to them was who put them in time out and that was only to make sure that they would obey and end time out. It could last any amount of time depending on how bad they were and how much they wouldn't listen or tried to get out of time out. And if you tried to talk to or play with someone in time out then you were put in time out as well, though in a different place so you couldn't talk to the other one in time out." He tried to give the basic explanation of what he saw going on in the cult. Just as he had learned about spanking from them. The naughty pups were spanked and then placed in time out until they learned their lesson. Of course Ouija had his share of trouble but he had quickly learned since these lessons were taught from a young age. Just as his training in his skill set as well as religion and other aspects of life in the cult. Lessons practically started when one was right out of the womb. It had been proven effective that pups stuck to routine easier if it was stuck to straight from the beginning. After all, look at how old Ouija was and how he had to finish any task he started. How he couldn't walk away and leave something unfinished. That had been instilled into him at a young age.

He didn't see her discomfort since he was concentrating solely and removing what he could see in her hand. If he had seen them then he would have been quick to apologize and ask her if she wanted him to stop. After all he wasn't looking to cause her pain or anything. That was the last thing he wanted for anyone. No, he had grown up being taught to spread pleasure. To please another in whatever way it took for it to happen. No, he was trying to cause as little pain and discomfort as possible. But he supposed that it couldn't be entirely prevented since it was sharp stuff being pulled from flesh.

"I don't see why you would stop. There has been another to visit before. I did a tattoo for her so she had to come find me to color it. Though she also said that she came often to see Skye as well. You aren't doing any harm here. And if there was trouble I would take the blame since I told you that you could visit me here." He stuck to his responsibilities. Perhaps he shouldn't have given her permission without speaking to the leaders first but he really didn't see what it would hurt. Still if there were any problems then the blame rested with him since he had told her to find him here.

When he couldn't see anything else he finally looked up at her again. He smiled as she spoke of her agreement. Though the words she used had him kneeling with his back towards her. "Climb on and I will carry you." He figured that she wouldn't mind so much being on his back. It wasn't like he was trying to pick her up and hold her in his arms. No, this way she could easily slip down if she got uncomfortable. And well, it provided her a way to travel while resting her legs and not really having to worry about him getting at her to touch her. At least he hoped the proposed option was a safe one. Either way he would still have to walk and lead her to his den in the forest.

In one fashion or another he would take her to his hidden place in the woods. After all he knew just where to find it from where the foliage hid the opening to passersby. "Be careful when entering, I have candles lit on the floor. Also try not to touch the walls too much because I don't need what it written on them being rubbed off." He gave the caution as he held the overgrowth back so that she could slip inside beneath the overhanging rock which had kept the entrance way dry and clear of snow and such. On the walls were runes drawn in chalk, similar to what was on his body. He kept the spell work on his walls for protection. The multiple candles, tucked up close to the walls so that the floor space was left open, on the floor provided light in the underground cavern. Also on the floor there were dolls scattered about, some for luck and others just for aesthetic appeal. In the back of the cave was a water source, a pond of sorts. Of course he had his satchel and some of furs laying about. It was cluttered in an organized sort of way. Since he didn't have shelves or tables or anything everything was in the floor but they were kept out of the way enough to look almost neat and prevented things from being tripped over. Besides all the items on the floor gave it the feel of home and of being lived in.


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