Curiosity of the Wondering Mind

OOC: Boo to you! i hope that you don't mind if i join too! hehe Sankara doesn't know either what is a horse lol

A trace here, another line there...and that was it! Sankara lifted her drawing. A small bat with it's wings opened. It had a very funny face, but it wasn't Sankara's fault. The bats over here had funny faces; or at least that was what Sankara managed to see during the night that she saw one. At the beginning she thought that it was a weird kind of bird...but birds had feathers! so the small critter couldn't be anything but a bat.

She had found more paper on Thornsbury, in the Hunting Lodge, but it wasn't too much, and it was a bit damaged on the edges, so part of the bat's wings looked deformed. But Sankara didn't mind. She hid her pencil again on the treehole and jumped off the tree she was currently laying on. She started to walk towards Thornsbury when she catched a scent. It smelled kinda familiar, because she had smelled it on other parts of the pack lands, but strange at the same time because it belonged to a member that she yet hadn't met. So her natural reaction was to follow it. The scent led her to the borderline of the packlands. It had been too long since she passed through here. In fact, she hadn't been there since Shawchert accepted her on the pack.

She heard some voices, so she supposed that there must have been two wolves. And as she approached she saw two figures. One resembled a female wolf, but with light differences as far as Sankara could see. The other one was a Coyote. She vaguely remembered these creatures from her wandering times, as they would give her some problems when she tried to keep food. Still, she had nothing against them. In fact, Coyotes were interesting creatures. Living alone most of the time (this coyote was an exception). She decided to approach, perhaps she would do more friends. But her shy side had to appear in that moment. What if i scare them? or...what if they don't like me? She shaked her head to clear her mind No, nothing bad may happen, right?

So she approached to them slowly, noticing the opened notebook next to the dark female. It had something on it, but Sankara was a bit too far to recognize it, even thought she was taller than them on her Optime form. She still had her drawing on her hand so she placed it behind her back as she stood a good 7 mts away from the couple. "H...hi, i hope that i didn't startle you." She tried to look as friendly as possible. Tail down in a relaxed position, ears peered up, alert.


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