Let it creep in.
She didn't really say anything else when the girl spoke softly. There really wasn't anything left to say when it all came down to it. Iskata raised her eyes to look at the female for a moment when she realized something. She'd been in Clouded Tears for a while, atleast, she had before the fires had destroyed their old way of life. The Sadira family obviously wasn't something that the little one wanted to talk about, but it wasn't just their blood that linked them.. and as much as Iskata seemed to have a love hate relationship with her cousin at times, she did care for him, for most of the damned pack he'd reigned over since her mother's death. Studying the girl's face before her she finally gave in and asked, not expecting much though. ..Did any of them make it? she asked softly.

Swallowing back the lump in her throat she continued on, to clarify her question better. I mean.. the pack. Did Laruku or Naniko... She wasn't even sure who was even left in the pack. She knew her adopted daughter had been there when she'd left to find her wayward children, but there were few others she'd even expected to stick around. She would have never left if she'd had a choice... but there was nothing she could do to change that now, no use dwelling on it.

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