Off the beaten path
The white wolf was clearly pleased that Nayru has agreed, thoughts and plans forming in her head. They could work together and accomplish what neither had thought of on their own, pitching thoughts and ideas to each other. Siku liked the idea of finding more plants around Dahlia for the two toned wolf to grow and utilize. She would just need to focus on getting through the book she had just been given, and wait for spring so that she may explore Dahlia for it's useful plants Nayru might not know about. Siku knew it would involve leaving the little town of Wolfville for periods of time, reaching the farthest corners of the territory in order to be sure she knew about every species of plant that grew there. Of course, first she would have to be sure it was okay with Conor. Realizing she once again let her thoughts stray, the golden eyed she wolf blinked away the plans she could worry about later and glanced at Nayru just as she went to speak again.

Nayru was right, of course. The white wolf was ignorant to be thinking she was a burden in a place she had been told was her home now. Yet she refused to see it that way, and kept firm on the thought that she needed to earn her way into being a part of Dahlia. Siku scratched her neck sheepishly as Nayru pointed out other obvious points. 'He would not offer if he didn’t truly wish for you to accept'. Siku had cast off his offer with the assumption that he only done it out of obligation, but Nayru was right. He was a kind man, and Siku suddenly hoped that she hadn't seemed rude in her decline. However, the white wolf continued to act as if Saul hadn't truly meant it. Because what if he did? Siku wasn't sure what to think.

"He was just being nice.. I'm perfectly fine outside."

Siku muttered meekly, the soft sound of her voice barely making it to the other she wolf's ears. She knew full well she would not enjoy sleeping in the slush and mud come spring, but that bridge would be crossed when she got there. That was how Siku was; refusing to acknowledge anything until it was pressed right up against her nose. The white wolf snapped back to attention as Nayru mentioned names, automatically committing them to memory. Ascher, Shiloh, Gideon; her closest friend. Siku found herself anxious to meet them, her fear of not being accepted making her eager to meet and establish friendships with the rest of her pack. A thought lingered on what Nayru had said, perceptive golden eyes on the two toned wolf's face as she became quiet.. But Siku could find no change in the ruby eyed girls facial expression whatsoever. Not even in her eyes. The arctic wolf was beginning to notice Nayru's strange, apathetic, almost aloof personality though she had a feeling Nayru was one of those characters you could never quite fathom. It was something she liked about the she wolf in front of her. Curiosity was a strong trait of Siku's, and Nayru seemed to promise mystery.

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