Home, sweet home

The caves were dark and dank but she loved every inch, the smell of her father and grandmother lingering in each small crevice, the scent of Hybrid Holocaust thick on the air. Others mixed in now, but she paid them no attention; those she didn't know, she didn't care about. The de le Poer woman was, however, curious about this stranger with golden eyes. Her own did not hold the same beautiful hue as her father's. No, she bore Massacre eyes, the eyes of Faolin Mogotsi and Hybrid Holocaust. Internally, she was jealous, but a smile remained as the younger female spoke and introduced herself.

Valkyrie de le Poer. De le Poer. Her smile faltered at the sound. Was this some unannounced sibling from the beastial Gabriel? Her gaze hardened, became far more analyzing, as she attempted to discern the information without asking. No, it was impossible. Valkyrie was a far cry from the blood that ran thick in her own veins, smaller and with different patterns. This female was not a lost half-sibling, and it was for the best; her father was her father, and she was often unwilling to share that pleasure, except for with Ezekiel.

Satisfied that there was no infringing relationship on the part of the young Luperci, the Inferni princess regained her soft grin of greeting. "Talitha Lykoi; I'm the daughter of Gabriel." The daughter, specifying that she was the only one. With a steadfast irritation, she refused to acknowledge others. It was she who had come back to him, and it was she who loved Inferni so deeply. Each time that she entered the lands, it was just her who held the title of Gabriel's daughter. There were no others in the world of the Lykoi woman.

But this Valkyrie held no threat. She was the child of some lost aunt or uncle, and Talitha continued her subtle kindness with unfaltering enjoyment. "Have you any particular caverns in mind? There are many, after all." She herself had chosen to live within the manor, purely for fear that her father was so disappointed without saying he was. She didn't want to crowd him, or inflict greater harm on her perceived opinion in his beautiful golden eyes. It was a preference that changed in each member of Inferni. Sometimes they enjoyed the comfort of the manor, but others enjoyed the darker caves, and there were those who loved to live within the boundaries of the Forest of Nod. It was an oddity, to live inside of a premade structure; in her childhood, Faolin and Gabriel had lived in a den, but she had grown to enjoy the comfort of knowing others shared the home with her.

Valkyrie was simply different, and that was accepted by the de le Poer, just like she accepted that her father was a monster and that her mother was gone. And perhaps the dens were nicer for those who preferred their natural motions; she just didn't see it any longer. Age had seen to it that she wouldn't.


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