Remember the Footsteps
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Chuckling a little at the sight of Pixies obvious shock he felt the need to explain more, “Humans certainly were interesting.” He spoke with excitement in his voice, he loved researching humans! “They did get bigger though.” He corrected himself as this was possibly the only information Pixie has received. “Just before they died off the biggest guys were a bit over 6 feet.” Leaning back on the couch he sighed, “Don't know how the manage to grow an extra foot on average in a few hundred years but they did.” In fact there were a few things he wasn't sure of at all when it came to the humans. What was this electricity and gasoline that ran the metal beasts that lined the road to Halifax? How did they manage to make such large buildings? Even with the size of some of the luperci around these parts they could only make huts and cabins.

The questions about Savina made the young father smile a warm smile as he thought about the dark lady. “Yep, she's my mate Ghita's sister. I've known Savina since I was a little pup and her barely inter her adulthood. I've been loyal to her all my life.” He was surprised at the comment that their alpha's family was smaller than Pixie's. Keeping the information in mind he spoke up again, “Yep she, Ehno, and Ghita came over from Rome. Now Ehno has pups scattered around, Savina and Kansas have their two litters and Ghita and I have our two litters. It's amazing how a family can grow from three siblings.” It was even more amazing that most of the family still lived together. “Where's your family at?” No one had come with her to Crimson Dreams. Maybe she had someone in a different pack?

The horse conversation being ended Jazper began to relax a little more again. “Ya, they just aren't my forte.” Happy to talk about his pups he couldn't help but to smile as she spoke about Fia. She was going to be a strong adult some day. He wouldn't have to worry about males hurting her because she had all this experience taking on her oversized brothers. It was good for the warrior to get to know the individuals of the pack as friends, after all they were the ones he was protecting. “Her name is Fia and the boys are Tony and Lorenzo. Tony is a bit bossy right now but little Enzo seems to be happy trying to make others laugh and lighten the mood.” Enzo were defiantly be the more sensitive of the three. He had come to the realization that it was hard to be a middle child. Lorenzo wanted to lead but Tony was so in control that he was never given the chance and little Fia was the baby of the family so where did that leave him? Shifting his attention to the subject of music he quickly added, “I'll see if I can find some music over in Halifax. I should be heading out there soon anyway.”


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