Judgement Day

wc 391

Aparantly Sky had not noticed her little joke so Orin let it fall flat and unreceived. It did not matter. Sky was soon again trying to show Shawchert the error of his ways, and Orin stood silently beside her as she did so. Sky had a point, Orin would agree. However, it is not as though the entire building was dilapidated and they ran the risk of giant overhead beams falling on them or anything. As much as she, too, wanted out of the humiliation of being lashed to this infidel, she hoped Sky's appeal would fall on deaf ears. If Shawchert gave in now it would be like admitting a weakness in his leadership, and further highlight the rift in his pack that. It would demonstrate that he could not uphold his punishments and diminish his word through the entire pack... but mostly, what Orin was worried about, was that it would show that Sky had some bit of power over their leader.

“The more we stand here whining about it the less we get done.” Rather than being snippy or angry she just sounded frustrated. It was a 'let's just get this over with' tone. After their arms went slack again Orin glanced down at their hands and back up to the doorway.

“I'm just getting this over with,” she said flatly and stepped toward the door, towing Sky along with her unless the woman dug her heels in protest.

Her golden eyes scanned the interior of the building Shawchert selected to be the future stable. She could see how this place would convert nicely, and suddenly the minute amount of carpentry skill the woman had came into play. Her tone seemed to cheer up... but only a little bit. “As fun as it would be to just start smashing stuff, if we're careful with that wall over there then I think we can reuse those same boards for constructing a stall or two. Same with this one, see the boards under that exposed plaster?” As she talked she gestured casually with the same hand that was tied to Sky's, jerking the woman's arm with each wave. It seemed casually innocent though. If there was one thing Orin was good at, it was letting learning something new act as a balm to soothe the soul's aches.

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