Today a reader, tomorrow a leader

OOC If you don't want to relay the entire founding you can just say he tells her. LOL That would be a little hard. WC 339

She chuckled softly, “Okay, and what, if you don't live you'll come back and haunt him to death?” She chuckled, clearly having no belief in ghosts at the moment. But you could almost guarantee that if she were outside on a dark, misty night, Orin would suddenly believe in spooks.

She moved around behind him and peered over his shoulder once he was done copying down the alphabet. Everything looked correct. All of the basic letters were there, just a little messy. It was a good foundation to work from. His skill just needed to be practiced and refined. No problem.

“Good job,” she praised as she moved to the other side of the desk and took a seat. “You're a little shaky but we expected that. If you tried to write a letter right now it might be a little hard to read so we'll work on refining your letters a little bit, but that pretty much just happens naturally as you work.”

Her eyes turned to the pages in her own hand and she sat straight, her pen at the ready. “In your own words, can you give me an account of what inspired you to found Cercatori d'Arte, and how it came about?” Her pen was already against the page and writing, priming the space she was going to write it in and adding the calendar date and Shawchert's full name. “Oh, wait. First, can I record your age and birth date here too?”

She was multitasking. Her page was already set up and waiting for his reply, so while he thought or spoke she flipped through one of the books she brought for Shawchert to study from. Finding a page she liked, she left it open to that page and during a quiet moment pointed to it and said, “And when you're done with my question, can you transcribe this passage from here to here? Let me know if there are any words, letters, or punctuation you don't understand.”

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