the monster will have him

Life had calmed considerably for the Sidhe and she took comfort in that fact. Her foot had started to return to normal, but it would never look perfect. Her middle toe was completely missing now from the second joint to her foot. The digit surprisingly was not missed, she hardly took notice. It was disturbing though when she woke up and saw its charred mass just laying there. She was traveling the expansion of land that her pack had not claimed. The land where the spiders owned the trees. She, worldly queen as she was, refused to live where they did.

She noticed the young male, her mind faintly associating him with the attack by Skoll and more importantly, with Inferni. "You might not believe me, but I'm glad to see that at least a piece of Inferni survived." Of course, he had no idea just how glad she was to know that they had made it. Gabriel was alive, most surely if this creature was. Which meant his children were too, and so, a small piece of her family was still there somewhere and she just needed to find them.

She brushed her hair out of her face, smiling in an impish manner. She always felt like the cat who had stolen the cream when she was around the coyotes; she felt like she was cheating nature, and succeeding. She had come a long, long way.


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