
She dusted herself off, solemn faced as he retorted to her words. Though his words rang true, she grimaced; he had mocked her, and he was rude, and she was disgusted. Just like a wolf to be so rude to a visitor. Her crimson eyes settled on the dark fur with a holier-than-thou gaze, for that was what she was. To the ruby Massacre eyes, he was nothing. Just another wolf, and they were not worth the time spent to make them. Hypocrisy in its finest.

"There was no pack here when I lived in Inferni last. I certainly didn't come here for anything." Her head tilted upward, staring at him with condescension hidden behind the ruby red irises of her eyes. Youth brought stupidity, and she counted herself amongst the records of proof. But she couldn't ever remember being rude, not when it wasn't warranted.

She tossed her curled brown hair to the side, drawing a piece of fabric from the belt at her hips to tie the chestnut locks up off of her face. She wanted to be able to see him, the disgusting thing, while she spoke to him. Small steps carried her away from the wolf, maintaining her gaze during every second; she wouldn't be caught off guard by him again. She refused.

"And who are you, little boy?" Again, her voice held the seductive overtone that hid condescension. He was a wolf, and she was far better, and he would do go to respect that. She certainly wouldn't allow him to walk all over her. She was a Lykoi. She asked the questions, she got her answers first. That was the way of her world.

As she waited for his response, she glanced over the border, studying the land there. It was far too close to her home for her comfort. Only tens of miles away. It was possible she could see it from the border of the Forest of Nod. But where was the pack?


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