Flowing in the Wind

ooc... 573

Angel? Well it had been a while since anybody called her that, and judging by the way things were going in Cercatori it would be another long while before anyone else would think of someone like her as an 'angel.' So in proper Orin fashion she grinned, batted her almond shaped eyes, and giggled softly. There was no hope for her. She was putty in his hands.

The waves that rolled along the icy shore called for attention with their watery song but Orin's gaze never left Gaël. She was enraptured by the man as he told her of his search for his siblings. Concern marked her face at his plight. It must be hard not knowing where you family was. She would not be able to live with herself if she did not know her own brother, Niro, was safe and sound in Cour des Miracles. Would she be sitting here like a pampered wolf pup if her brother was out on his own? Or would she, too, be tracking him across the wilderness? The answer was obvious. Even though Orin could not track for her life, she would have followed Niro's trail to the ends of the earth, or died trying.

“So you're all alone? That must be hard,” she shook her head softly. Even when her parents disappeared Orin was not completely alone. She always had her brother, and after that, her pack. “What pack was your brother in? And what will you do when you find your sister?” She asked, though she didn't expect to be much help. She knew little about any pack other than Cercatori and the Court.

Her eyes studied him as his own azure gaze skipped around the landscape and then back to her. He captured her and held her with those icy eyes. Her eyes flicked down for just a moment, looking at their hands so close together, and she suddenly felt very sorry for the lonely man. She didn't even know if he hated his solitude or did not mind it, but he was friendly enough for a loner. She wanted to twine her fingers in his but staved off the urge. Her coin-like eyes drifted back to his visage.

And then her eyes went wide. She hadn't introduced herself? How rude of her! In her distraction she had waltzed right up to the man and sat down without even telling him who she was. “Oh!” she squeaked in surprise. “My name is Orin. What's yours?” It was a very informal introduction, but her mind was now in a whirr and the daydreamer wasn't thinking clearly... like usual.

Orin shifted herself slightly to face Gaël a little better and awaited his response, and as she waited he raised his hand. A split second of instinct told her to reel away from the stranger's touch, but the feeling was banished almost as quickly as it manifested. Orin didn't even flinch as his hand gently brushed the side of her face and played with her hair. Her face was blank for a moment, then she grinned sweetly, a little stunned.

“Do you like them?” She asked, referring to her pink locks, of course. It was not often that people commented on them, but she knew people pondered them frequently. Part of her sensed the sincerity of the moment, but despite recent tidings she was the same little innocent Takekuro woman.


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