I see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind
Out of Character


In Character

The rounds Tala made had been slowed, nearly put on complete delay as her leg was finding the time to mend after her tumble with Gideon. The fae had spent quite some time on personal lock down as she sulked over the injury. It had been a stupid mistake, but it was life. She dealt with it just like anyone else would. Well, maybe not in the same way, but changing it wasn't an option. The woman was well aware that this was not the end of the word. However, she was very dedicated to doing her duties for the pack, and being stuck at home was anything but appealing to her spirits.

Tala walked along the clear set borders, her pace was not overly fast as her Optime form moved across the preset paths. Her leg was still wrapped around the knee and ankle, but walking the distance wasn't to painful anymore. It was not however a daily activity. Not even close. As the dappled fae walked she came across a rather odd smell. What was that? Some sort of smell that stung at her nose. Glass was on the floor and the woman narrowed her eyes. Alcohol. Her direction changed as she followed the fresh tracks. Te scent was of a stranger. A male at that. The Djose woman trekked until she saw a figure up in a tree. What on earth?"Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to get down as well as explain why you so blunty walked into our territory." Looking up at the black male her white hair dripped into her eyes. Her hands were at her side as she looked up at him with a monotone gaze. If he was intoxicated like the broken glass made her assume, this might be an unfortunate meeting.

She stood, waiting for an answer of sorts as she watched him with her amber gaze. This was not his territory, and further trespassing would be dealt with appropriately.

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