I see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind
He rolled over with a laugh as the female was trying so hard to be nice about this whole matter, the question was did Lucifer Sawtooth even care? Clearly anyone with a brain could answer that. No! Of course he didn’t. He walked in here, threw his trash away and then found a tree that was marked by some ego inflated leader had marked and decided to claim as theirs and it belong to their pack, He chuckled as he traced the scar upon his chest, he was not sure why it was there or who even done it, but it was there. With a smile he looked down at her with a twist of his head. ”Tell ya what sweetie. You come up here make me. Unless that pretty little foot of your is too weak to climb a tree. “ He said with a chuckle as he pulled out a cigarette lighting it with a match he toss the burning match down upon the ground. ”Burn Baby Burn” He laughed again taking a puff off of one of his many vices.

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