I see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind
Out of Character

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In Character

That look he was giving her, the dappled Valley girl did not trust it. It was slightly unnerving. Just these eyes, the depth in the blue that screamed he did not give the slightest care as to what he was being told or asked left her slightly nervous about what to do. She had not yet encountered someone on the borders she'd had issues with. If this was the first, it would be a grim day for the grey female. Having to deal with negative encounters on the borders was not something she was looking forward to at any point in time. Her arms snaked around her chest to be crossed over it as she looked up at the dark male still.

What exactly were those words supposed to mean? Accomplish a lot? What on earth was he talking about. The woman was a bit dense when it came to picking up social cues. Any hint under a strangers tongue was usually missed. What he was thinking about... she had not a clue. "Those words only amuse yourself, I assume. Now please, what is your name?" Tala normally would have introduced herself first before asking for his name but this was different. He was trespassing. He was not being as friendly as she had hoped but he was not being exactly mean either. Indirect and a bit rude, yes. but not mean or aggressive.

"Pardon, but you're not 'working' with anything." What had he meant? She still smiled, trying to remain true to the pack;s friendly nature. Her smile was friendly, but her eyes were stern.

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