The Weather Outside is Frightful

two wolves fighting over a paintbrush xD

Skye grinned as her light gray friend came into view, and she hugged her briefly. She grinned; it had been a while since she'd seen her friend, and she was glad to do it again. She smiled even broader as Pixie asked what kind of stuff was going on in Cercatori d'Arte; she liked stuff, and wanted to know what was going on? Oh, where to begin, where to begin...

"Well," she said, deciding to start with her good news, "I have a mate now!" She let a goofy grin fall on her face and allowed a few seconds for her friend to start to guess who her new mate could possibly be. She knew that Pixie knew Bangle, and finally, she couldn't take it anymore - "It's Bangle!" she said, then collapsed into a frenzy of giggles. Skye wasn't normally like this - usually, she was a lot calmer and less...girly. But the thought of her and Bangle being mates, finally, was just good for Skye to consider - she loved the crazy old trader, and couldn't wrap her mind around the idea of them finally being mates.

She then let her mind fall on more serious matters. "There was also a scandal," she said. "Someone did the nasty with someone else, and someone loved that someone, and it got out of hand..there was a fight! Thank goodness it didn't get too serious, though." She wasn't so sure about that, though - Orin had been pregnant during the fight, and Skye thought that Sky had been, too. She hoped that it hadn't brought any bad things to happen on the pups - if it had, there would be a certain rivalry between the girls that would never fully be healed.

She turned to the gray and white woman who was her friend and one of the first she met in Souls. "What about you?" she asked. "Any 'stuff' in your pack?"

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