I see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind
Out of Character

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In Character

This man was still giving the fae this same weird feeling even after he had put out the cigarette and seemed to be done talking. It was that look on his face she did not completely understand. This black man was so strange to her. Why would he come to Phoenix Valley of all places to act like this? Tala could think of at least one place that would be more...suitable for his type. The man jumped down from his perch in the tree and made his way over in her direction. Tala stood up straight at that moment. When he touched her she tensed, she was ready to become defensive at any moment. His words made her gut churn slightly. Saying she smelt good? That was...odd, to be put nicely. So his name is Luciffer. At least she had a name to use if she needed to explain the situation to Jefferson. "My name is Tala Djose. I am a Locum from this pack." She introduced herself formally as she took a step away from this large male.

He licked the fingers that he had touched her with and Tala grimaced at the thought of what he was doing. There was a sudden realization in her head and she felt instantly uncomfortable with him here. Tala took a few steps back but she straightened out the best she could. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. I will call in for others to back me up if I have to. It's unfortunate that we did not meet on.... friendlier grounds, Lucifer." The man was handsome, but he was acting strangely. She could not let people wander the grounds like this. It was her job to keep the pack grounds clear of possible threats.

Her amber met his blue as she watched him, waiting for a reaction or a word to signify if he was going to listen this time or not. She had a feeling this man would not go so easily. She was small, and had never really played the physical defensive before. He did not know this. Ho would he, right? Her small frame stood as tall as it could, her little tail completely still and her ears had fallen half way back.

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