[AW] Shattered Silence

OOC: Big Grin


Jaden breathed in deeply as he walked along the Moon lit snow of the Eternal Eclipse forest. It was quiet again, like it had been not too long ago during his journey to ‘Soul. But the silence was different now. No longer was he hunted or running for his life. He was now only hurried along by his need to meet with a wolf by the name of Vigilante. He had promised to kill the wolf and was set on keeping his word now that he was safe from assassins and free to heal.

The still fresh bandages on Jaden’s chest where tight and continuously reminded the Optime of his last battle. He reached up and pressed the wound gently, as if to reassure himself it had not somehow suddenly healed. A small stinging pain rang clear in the area of the foot and a half long slice as proof it still existed. Conor, a wolf he had met, had patched him up. His medical skills were not great enough to promote instant healing, but Jaden was happy that the wound was not bothering him.

Besides the cut, he didn’t have a whole lot to complain about. The bite wound he had sustained was healing well, and his body was no longer sore from constant running. All he needed to do now was hunt for a nice deer. Once he had eaten all he could, Jaden would be as content as he possibly could be, considering he still had a wolf to kill. So the black and red wolf drew his bow from his satchel and one of the three arrows he had left. There had to be some deer around here somewhere. He was after all in an unclaimed forest and he had not seen any wolfs around to take up all the meat.

Jaden hunted for about an hour, trying to find tracks or any sign that dear had been in the area but was having no luck. His steps were light and silent as he stalked through the forest aggravated that he could find nothing to kill. Even a small rodent would have been something.

Then a sharp sound made Jaden freeze. The call of a raven rang over the snow. It was near by. Jaden began to move in the general direction of the bird. It might offer some good target practice. He came around a tree with his eyes glued to the trees as he searched for the dark silhouette of a bird in the branches. When he saw the raven, it began to make a threatening series of caws he thought were directed at him.
Stupid bird, Jaden thought, it’s cawing will not deter my arrow. He leveled the bow and pulled back the arrow.

“Very funny.”

A voice growled in the darkness. For the second time Jaden froze. Directly underneath the perched crow was a coyote Jaden had completely over looked. He cursed himself when he realized how blind he had to be to over look the tan colored canine. Jaden lowered his weapon and looked at the coyote when his realized the words he had heard were not directed at him. The coyote was speaking to the raven. Jaden shook his head and rolled his eyes. It seemed like something one of the annoying little dogs would do. But he had to be friendly. There was no reason for him to start things off on the wrong foot with the general coyote population here at souls. The coyotes here were no different than the luperci ones he had slain in Alaska, but he was no longer part of Uva Atka. “Do the two of you know each other?” Jaden inquired flatly. He was a little bit annoyed that he could not kill the bird.

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