Foreigner [AW]

OOC: Hey Smile hope you don’t mind my posting…


A cool wind blew up the sandy beach Jaden was resting on. With it came the wet and salty sent of the ocean. All though the air was not all that warm, the sun gently warmed his heavily insolated dark fur. The feeling was a familiar one Jaden took great comfort in. He had done this many times on the beaches of Alaska during the finest days of the year. The sea offered a beautiful shimmering surface to bounce thoughts off of for as long as he wished, though this was not what he was here for. Jaden had spent so much time wondering about what he should do and who he was since his escape from Uva Atka, that he was taking a break. The sand was comfortable and his fur warm. All he wanted to do was enjoy this until he had to break the serenity for another challenge of life. His lungs filled with the calm air and he concentrated on insignificant things.

Gulls were flying overhead and squawked at each other. Their weightless drifting was enough to keep the Optime’s mind from wandering for a while. One flew into the sun as Jaden watched and caused him to raise his hand to block the harsh rays.

The sight of his maroon hand made him realize again that he was still in his Optime form. The feeling of disgust still lingered from years of believing he had been cursed with this body. That he himself was an abomination. But with no one who really cared what he looked like, whether he was alive, or what form he was in, it was difficult to care much about it for himself.

He watched the scene for a time that became undefined. Only when he noticed a figure walking down the beach in his general direction, did his mind finally surface from his time of comfort. Jaden was far up the beach, at least sixty feet from the waves because of a deep fear he held for the dark water, so he figured he might be slightly hidden. The new person he had his eyes trained on was clearly not fully wolf, so Jaden instantly felt annoyed at the sight of another coyote hybrid. But as she grew closer he realized she was not coyote, but some sort of canine he was unfamiliar with. She did not look to have the dirty blood of a domesticated human pet either. Her fur was different than anything he had ever seen or heard of. Jaden was so mystified by this new part of the scenery that he could not bring himself to speak. He just watched as she moved closer and felt for the dagger on his shoulder strap. He did not know if she was a threat and it was too late for him to stand and arm his bow.

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