Two Steps Behind

It was odd how things seemed to turn out, especially in her own life. Stretches of good luck, happiness, and then extreme bad luck would suddenly bring everything crashing down. What all had she lost? Six children, two adopted children, countless friends, three lovers, and even a whole pack. Of course, life was suddenly looking up what with the sudden return of the father of her latest children, he who had been washed away by the ocean. Despite the happiness that his return brought, Wannabe Pirate couldn't help but feel suddenly nervous, wondering just when everything might come crashing down again. Little did she know, it would be the arrival of the newest male to bring her life to a sudden halt once more.

She'd only just returned from her visit to the Land of Wuffluvers and the Mountain Pack, where she'd gone to discuss what had happened with Skoll so long ago, and the raven woman was even more unsettled now than she had been before. It was hard to feel as if ones might be in danger but wonder if one was doing the right thing to try and keep it safe. Was there a hint of revenge in Skolls head that might lead him back to the land of the coyotes? Gabriel had warned her that if Skoll neared they would dispatch him, even if it meant coming to the Place of Lightning and Thunder to do so.

Four paws moved slowly, uneasily, as she made the trek back across the borders of her pack lands, though she was soon to be greeted by the scent of one of their members. It was a scent she knew well, though only because it stuck within the lands like glue. She knew him, though, or would realize it once he spoke his name to her, she'd been told about him before. "Hello." She said politely, slowing her pace some as she neared. The onyx lady hadn't met many of the Place of Lightning and Thunder's members in the time that she'd been there, which was an awful thing, to say the least.


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