Shattered and Broken
Wind ruffled his fur. Tugged at it, pulled at it. The wind was intense, driving him. It swirled around him, carrying leaves, twigs and other unrecognized objects. As the objects were carried through the air, Toklo trekked on, searching. The wind seemed to drive at him angrily, biting at his fur ferociously. But he couldn't do anything to stop it. He couldn't seem to arrest the angry wind as it pummled his fur like fists. They seemed to bite at his flesh as they came. The blasts were like bullets, cutting into his flesh. He was sure, if he looked he would find blood, but he dared not look. If he looked, he might not be able to force himself to continue. He had a purpose, that he knew, but through the fear and pain he couldn't remember what it was for the life of him. All he knew was that he had to keep searching, searching, searching.

Toklo's head lifted, his ears drawn back. He didn't know how long he had slept. The dream had seemed breif, but that could've been because the scenery hadn't changed. As he thought more about it, he realized nothing had changed in the dream. The same biting wind ate at him, and he still soldiered on, trying to find it. Find what? he thought, bewildered. Toklo shook his head in confusion. Then another realization hit him. The dream had basically defined his life. Even as he was battered and scarred, he carried on, never ceasing. He had no particualr location, but, always, he continued going; moving; running. It was the story of his life nowadays. He had no home, no friends, no hope.

Suddenly, through the dark, luminescent, yellow eyes reached him. He nearly jumped out of his skin as the eyes' owner spoke loudly. The creature must have thought he was either still sleeping or dead. Toklo jumped to his feet and backed away slowly, keeping his eyes locked on the other wolf's eyes. Everything started to come into focus as his eyes adjusted. The wolf was a male; Lupus form, like Toklo. The other wolf jsut stood there as Toklo gawked at him. How long had the other wolf been there and what had he been planning to do?

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