These Are My People

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.
ooc text:

In Character

The wolf-dog was pleased to hear that her guitar playing did impress the co-leader. Even though she admitted she was an above average guitar player, that wasn't her main artistic talent, but something that added to it. "I like to sing, though I would like to add knowledge to what I know already,"she informed Skye, keeping it short and to the point, and not overly descriptive so it did not bore the woman. Singing was her true passion, and playing her own music to sing to was a good idea. Being the child of a singer and a music player, it was unsurprising that the Lovato took an interest in both.

"I also can hunt, but I lack in fighting, and reading skills,"Elaine added with a frown, as if she did not like to admit her weaknesses. She was a fine enough hunter, enough to get her by fully fed, but while her strength lied with the arts, psychical abilities were her weak point. She had never gotten into a fight before, since she never had provoked one. Reading was also not a strong aspect for the hybrid. Though she lived with a more humanized family, they did teach her to read or write. But she could not ever read properly, even the writings that were perfectly preserved and barely had a mark on them. Elaine could write, but because of her lacking reading skills, they become some scrawl that only she could understand.

She shook her head, as if to make the thoughts fall out of her ears and onto the snow, and watched Skye for her thoughts on her abilities. Elaine hoped that she had provided enough to at least allow the Cercatori d'Arte to call "exceptional"; some neighboring wolves in her old home did not fully support her talent, calling it a waste of time. Of course with the support of her parents, she continued to learn, but she sometimes doubted if they were enough for anything. But, Elaine would not let these thoughts bother her now. This was a place for canines like her; these were her kind of people.

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